Sunday afternoon and I'm confused as usual.
Should I stay in, paint my nails and read my favourite blogs all afternoon? Should I call my dear friend in Shanghai who's never been (and never will be) romantically interested in me and who I've neglected for months? Should I begin the process of tracking down a Naija fashion commentator I highly respect? Should I walk approximately 600metres to my second home, Kino Cinema, and watch Sofia Coppola's Somewhere? Should I walk three blocks to MYER (equivalent of House of Fraser, Macy's or whatever) and check out homewares? Should I pour myself another glass of this good-for-budget Sauv Blanc I snapped up at Vintage Cellars yesterday afternoon and make a plan after the last bit of it is gone?
I might pour a wee bit more, check on some mince meat I've taken out of the freezer to thaw and text Mr Shanghai. I never thought I'd be planning my meals like I am but budgeting does incredible things to a city girl. My ex, Mr Big-ish, is away skiing in Vermont so I'm not fine dining or dining period. This l'il mama is heading home straight after work and attempting to recreate her mum's dishes. Dishes cooked with love. Real love.
I might just hang out at home for a couple more hours and then call her before I head out. She'll be up in 2ish hours and I can't wait to talk to her. I can't wait to hear her voice and her contagious laugh. I can't wait to tell her exactly whats on my mind career-wise, moving-home-wise, relationship-wise, travel-wise etc. I can always count on her for the absolute truth. How many people can give you that?
Thought I might share my goddess with you.
The parents (Elliot and Eve)
My mom 'keeping it gangster' on a fishing trip
You have a lovely family and your blog is nice ! ;-)