Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Post Mmm...

Forgiving people. I'm back after a f***** up couple of days.

The Background
I had a long term affair with Marlboro Golds during my uni years and for a few years after. About 2years ago I suddenly became seriously repulsed by all things smoking and smokers related and in all honesty, it had something to do with my mum expressing her disappointment in me after spotting a pack on ciggies in my handbag, the graphic ads and of course the increase in ciggie prices here.

The Issue
This past Saturday I woke up feeling super shit (unrelated to my hangover) and by late afternoon I was lethargic, having trouble breathing and feeling slightly nauseous. I had a quick lunch date with Mr Big-ish and Alex so had to perk up, put on a brave face and rest later. Saturday 6pm-ish I was curled up in bed.

Sunday I was wheezy and seriously phlegm-alicious but soldiered on. I tried to stop thinking about the wheezing by popping into my local pub to sample their new beer and catching a flick (Bridesmaids). Sunday night I was in bed early with a touch of the shivers. First thing Monday I called my doctor, aka Dr Deep-And-Meaningful from SA, to debrief him on my symptoms and what my phlegm looked like. Without thinking it through, I basically bullied him into agreeing that what I had sounded emphysema-licious. He instructed I come straight away. Mmmmm I tried to tell my not-so-sympathetic colleague about what I'd termed The Condition but he wasn't hearing it. As the day went on, I became more and more nutty because I had convinced myself I had emphysema.

Today is the day I went to my doctors and found out that:

1. I need to take my health more seriously
2. I don't have emphysema but rather have a very serious throat infection
3. I need antibiotics
4. I need to stop flirting with anything Marlboro-related for good
5. I need to have a normal patient/doctor relationship with my doctor

Yes I also need to stop turning up at the good doctors with a list of possible ailments I have. Google is to blame for this behavioural issue.

Soooooooo... I'm back and to celebrate my throat infection and NOT the beginnings of emphysema, I splurged on something special to wear with a Diane Von Furstenburg Christianna jacket I recently snapped up on sale on Netaporter last week. Chrisette Michelle (below) rocked hers to The Apollo where she performed in May.

Got a girlfriend's birthday din din next Tuesday so I'll rock it with a wicked clutch, skinny jeans and Prada pumps that scream Who Run The World! Promise to take pics:)


  1. Awww girl hope you get well soon!!!yes no more smoking hanti!!
    And do post a pic of you in the DvF jacket
