Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Post 3/30 - Wifey's back


My flatmate a.k.a, Wifey, got back this morning after a trip to Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai for a l'il business mixed in with a lot of pleasure and I'm thrilled that she's back home safely. Just got in from din din with her, our ngoch friend and our responsible-adult-girlfriend so dinner was hella funny with everyone talking about developments (or the lack of developments) in their lives since she's been away. Feels good to sit down with people in my inner circle and openly talk abut whats been going on with me without judgement. Its been a great night!!!! I feel so blessed to be loved by people who love me for me. They accept my boisterous nature, multiple personalities, the hermit tendencies and don't judge my actions. If only they could see me in my element at Shisa Nyama slash Bizi's Corner slash Cubana slash Cotton Club slash Teasers slash Mereki slash Judgement Yard. If only (sigh)...

Lina a.k.a My Sister Under The Skin

I've been drinking for much of the afternoon and the evening so I might sign off here. Mr Big-ish hasn't called to apologise for Monday's drama so I'm in a somewhat fragile state. Thank God (and The Ancestors) that Wifey is home to cook authentic Chinese meals before sharing 'her truth' about my messy relationship sagas. Thank God she's back to veto some of my purchases, pick a suitable colour for my nails, decide on where we should holiday next and to screen calls.

Thank God My Sister Under The Skin is back. She has a touch of food poisoning from Shanghai but she's back. Hede huri (beaming Baldie)

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